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EU MDR and IVDR Transition and Technical Documentation Compilation

person shuffling through a stack of papersThe one-year postponement of the go-live date of the EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR) has given companies more time to complete their product certifications and refine their systems. Don’t let the extra leeway push you into the procrastination trap—particularly since the EU In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR) is still due to take effect in May 2022.

We’ll help you navigate the complex regulations, processes and protocols to achieve regulatory compliance, on-schedule. Backed by proven procedures and tools, our team has extensive experience helping multinational companies with their EU MDR and IVDR transitions and implementations.

Our team of scientific writers will pull together and create the required documentation to ensure you comply with EU MDR, IVDR, and Medical Device Directive (MDD) requirements, including:

  • Clinical evaluation plans (CEP)
  • Clinical evaluation reports (CER)
  • Post marketing clinical follow-up (PMCF) plans and reports
  • Periodic safety update reports (PSUR)
  • Post marketing safety reports (PMSR)
  • EU MDR and IVDR technical documentation

For more information on the EU MDR and IVDR regulatory processes, reach out to our team today.


applying human factors and usability engineering to medical devices

November 16, 2021

Applying human factors and usability engineering to medical devices

Human factors (HF) and usability engineering (UE), or as some call it, medical ergonomics, is the process of evaluating and changing the design of a device to better fit the human body and its...
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5 Mistakes Medical Device Startups Make

February 18, 2021

5 Mistakes Medical Device Startups Make

Startups are the lifeblood of medical device innovation. Without universities researching ways to solve pressing healthcare problems or doctors with experience in a particular field who have an idea to develop a prototype medical device that could help patients, the future technologies needed to help save lives wouldn't happen. But the long, arduous road through the FDA submission process to get market approval can take a long time and cost a lot of money without help. Sterling Medical Devices has been helping startups through the FDA approval process since 1998 without ever having a submission rejected.
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July 12, 2022

Scalp Cooling System

Overview Paxman has been pioneering scalp cooling technology for over a quarter of a century. Paxman’s clinically proven cold cap technology has helped over 100,000 cancer patients in more than 60...
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Let Sterling Medical Devices show how to bring your idea from concept to prototype to
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